Insurance coverage at a very minimal cost
The Council Mortuary Benefit Plan (CMBP) is a scheme designed that would respond to the mortuary requirements of an enrolled member and his family should he or any of his family member pass away. The plan provides coverage on a yearly basis at a very minimal cost.

Council Mortuary Benefit Plan
About the Product
CMBP is a group yearly renewable term insurance available to all KofC councils nationwide (no duplication of coverage, one coverage per enrollee). The KofC member as well as his wife ages 18 to 70 years old and dependent children ages 20 years and below may be covered. Minimum enrollees of 30 KofC members per group.
There are three plans available for Council Mortuary Benefit Plan:
PLAN 30 for Php30,000 coverage, PLAN 40 for P40,000 coverage and PLAN 50 for Php50,000 coverage.
Contribution Period
The Council Mortuary Benefit Plan is a group term insurance plan renewable every year up to age 75 years old of the enrollee.